In the continuing saga of the "Black Francie Clone Swimsuit," I was browsing auctions and found the same fabric on this little "Bottle Baby" doll:
Sunday, December 13, 2020
Continuing Swimsuit Saga
Monday, August 17, 2020
The Mystery of The Floral "Black Francie" Swimsuit
A few weeks ago, I bought a lot of clone-type dolls in an auction. I like clones, and I was having fun going through the stuff that came with them.
One doll stood out a bit.. her swimsuit looked... familiar...
"Oh neat!," I think, "It looks like "Black Francie's" swimsuit! Neat!"
So, I got to googling, and low-and-behold, several websites were claiming this swimsuit was a rare variation of Black Francie's original swimsuit.
Now, believe me, I would LOVE THAT TO BE TRUE. I would LOVE to own a rare and impossible-to-find Francie swimsuit. I would love to tell you that I found an impossible-to-find Francie swimsuit in a $17 auction.
However, I can guarantee you this cute swimsuit is NOT A MATTEL PRODUCT.
This is a clone swimsuit. Is it made to look like Black Francie's swimsuit? 100% definitely yes. Is it made by Mattel? 100% definitely no.
I'm going to tell you how I know, since other websites that picture this swimsuit do not give any additional information. Let's learn all about the MYSTERIOUS, ULTRA-RARE, BLACK FRANCIE, FLORAL SWIMSUIT.
- First of all, this swimsuit is only referred to online, by uncited sources. It doesn't appear in Joe Blitman's Francie Book, not even the vaguest mention. Mr. Blitman is arguably the world's most Franci-est expert on Francie.
- It doesn't appear in Sarah Sink Eams's Barbie Clothing Book, maybe the most complete Barbie fashion book ever written.
- Heck, it doesn't even appear on Mattel's Website.
- This swimsuit has SNAPS. Francie's swimsuit has BUTTONS WITH LOOPS.
- The straps are different.
- In my opinion, Francie's swimsuit is more of a boy-short bottom, while this is more of a brief.
- IT IS DEFINITELY NOT TAGGED FRANCIE. Francie's swimsuit is tagged.
- The quality is not like Mattel's.
ANYWAY, so where did this swimsuit come from?
The clone I found it on is a "Made in Hong Kong," type, possibly PEGGY ANN. Was it her original swimsuit? Maybe. I haven't found one in package to prove anything.
Was this swimsuit ever sold on a African-American / Black doll like Francie? Maybe. It's possible some company made a knock-off type doll to compete and copied the swimsuit too. Again, no in-package examples have been found.
Enjoy a few more pictures of this cool swimsuit:
ANYWAY... mystery... sort of solved? It's not a Francie swimsuit, but I'm intrigued to find out where it came from.
If anybody out there knows, please let me know! If anyone has an example mint-in-package, PLEASE help let's solve this mystery for good.
PS. Since we're talking about Black Francie, I'd like to remind you that Black Lives Matter. Please support social justice and equality in your community.
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Meet The Go-Go's!
MANY years ago, when I was but a wee flea-market picker...still a little girl, I found a Dawn Doll at the flea market for a very low price.. probably under a dollar. I LOVED her to pieces, and played with her a lot, but this being the days before the internet, I had no idea who she was or where she came from, just that she was super-cute and fun to play with. Shortly after, I found another one... dressed them alike in cheap outfits from dollar store dolls, and those were my only two Dawn dolls for many years.
Eventually, somehow I found out she was called DAWN and made by a company named TOPPER. I picked up Dawn dolls whenever I saw them for cheap. Over a decade after my first Dawn, I purchased a Dawn Doll ID book. This book had an extra section on Dawn-like dolls and clones, and that's how I met "THE GO-GO's" (The ... improper apostrophe ... is theirs.) Though there were only tiny pictures, I thought these dolls were super-unique and interesting, and I decided I would keep an eye open for them at the sales and flea markets.
PROBABLY ANOTHER DECADE passed... and I finally found my first Go-Go doll at a flea market! Since then, I've picked up a few more, and since there's not a whole lot of information on them out there, I thought I would do a little post about them.
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My still-growing Go-Go's Collection. |
These dolls are very cute and honestly, extremely high-quality. I think they are super-underrated and totally awesome!
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The photos on the box don't exactly match the actual dolls produced. |
Here's the card from the back of every Go-Go's box. The dolls were sold on their stands, in a plastic tube on a colorful plastic base, with a different backing card for each doll. I don't know how or where these dolls were advertised and sold.. but to me.. they seem more like a trendy little thing a tween or teen could display in their room and less like a toy. They were able to be displayed nicely in their tubes without being taken out. Their quality and design is more display like and less play-like in my opinion.
These dolls pre-date Dawn by a few years. Rare items related to them that I have confirmed existed are 1.) Carded Go-Go's original outfits (definitely sold in Germany, unknown if sold elsewhere) and 2.) A box set with one doll and multiple (but not all) outfits (ebay image shown below.)
Would you believe her TINY dress has a TINY zipper? I never would have known from pictures online and in books. It's really nicely made for such a TINY doll. The zipper is marked "NBK."
Her dress (which is sort of a satiny-knit material.. maybe tricot) also has a nice tulle underskirt to give it shape. She wears white, lace-trimmed, tricot panties underneath.
Her stand, which is clear hard plastic, is marked "1070 0404 7"
Here is her picture on the card. I love how the "I" is dotted with an "eye!"
Here's the TOMBOY! I misplaced her glove and she is missing her bat. I think she might be my favorite. She wears a shirt, with paint splotches on it, which snaps with one snap. Her jeans snap closed in the back as well. No panties underneath! Her harder-plastic hat is literally STUCK INTO HER HEAD WITH A STRAIGHT PIN. Her hair is a WIG and glued on. Her marks are the same as the other dolls. Her shoes are the same as "The Swinger," but she may have been sold wearing other shoes. She has a bit of wire on her wrist, which I assume originally wired her bat to her hand.
Her face is really something! Such a cute expression with black eye and freckles. Her wig hair is unusual. It may be some weird synthetic or may be mohair. I really can't tell. It's very soft.
I have found her top loose at a sale, but I have no proof it was ever sold that way.
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What a great face! |
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Tammy Doll Outfits
When I first started collecting Vintage Barbie almost 30 years ago, I definitely had a negative view of her competitors. Nobody was much interested in them in those days, me included.
But the longer I've been collecting, the more Barbie clone and competitor items I've picked up. I've definitely changed my opinion about some of them... especially Tammy!
Tammy was a very nice doll to compete with Barbie, made by IDEAL. Her ultimate downfall probably came because she was bigger than Barbie and they can't share clothes.
Anyway, in my opinion, Tammy doll's CLOTHES specifically are equally nice in terms of quality as Barbie's clothes. The accessories however, are definitely not. The attention to detail in Barbie clothes and accessories are missing from Tammy's small wardrobe. However, the quality in the clothes is pretty neat. Here's just on of Tammy's outfits.
Here's Tammy's Walking Her Pet. I would say the clothes in this one are very nice quality, but the accessories are not as nice as Barbie's. Overall, of course, it's very cute.
The top seems to be real wool. It has very nice twill tape trimming along the neck, sleeves, and hem. It looks very professional and realistic. The pockets are real and seem to be made out of the same vinyl as the skirt. The skirt is just plain vinyl with no lining or anything and it doesn't hold up very well (it can shrink, dry out, or get stuck in a bent shape.)
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Showing the twill / bias trimming and the tag inside. For some reason the heart is attached with a white thread. |
Many of Tammy's outfits include a little brass heart like this one, on a little chain, or put on some other way. This is really a nice design touch. The little flower engraving is quite cute and delicate.
The little dog is just made of pipe cleaners, more or less. He came with a few Tammy outfits, but the dog also appeared in straight-up clone outfits, and he's not very well made and doesn't look much like a real dog. The leash is just a chain with a piece of vinyl on the end to act as a handle. It has a small grommet on one side only for the chain to loop through. In mint condition, he has a tiny blue sticker on his belly that says MADE IN JAPAN. (Maybe I can get a pic of this later... this is not the best-condition dog in my collection.)
The purse is a little oversized in scale, in my opinion. If it were human-sized it would be a really big bag! Though, that does mean a child could open it and put actual items into the purse. The purse vinyl tends to get a white powdery substance on it from plasticizer leaching. You can just wipe it off again. The purse has a tiny blue sticker on the back that says "MADE IN JAPAN" that is usually missing.
The shoes are low heels. They have a left and a right and are always marked JAPAN. They are a little squishy.
This outfit also includes a scarf made of very wrinkle-prone organza-like material which I have not pictured... (because it was really wrinkly.)
Anyway I know I talked about this outfit before when I wrote about Peteena, but I think I'll picture some more of my Tammy outfit collection just for information of folks out there.
I always find out things I didn't know when I see an outfit in person so I want to share close-up pictures of many things!
Sunday, February 16, 2020
My First Barbie (1980)
One note, she was advertised as being "easy to dress" and overall, she is...she has legs and arms that are slick hard plastic, so clothes go on easily. Her legs don't bend, and her arms only go up and down and not sideways. So, yes, very easy! But... that swimsuit.. it is so difficult to figure out how to put on the doll. I had to look at tons of pictures online just to get her dressed, and I still don't think I have it tied correctly. I remember playing with this doll as a child so maybe I had more sense then than I do now.
Anyway, picking up this "junky" My First Barbie has made me want a "new in box" one, even though I still have mine from when I was a child.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Head Case
A recent find was this "Sweet 16" Barbie head on this "Ballerina" Barbie body.. or at least a body with "Ballerina" arms.
Remember, if you see a head on a body that seems unusual, there's a 99% chance this is a child being creative with their toys and not some rare prototype or special doll. Unless it's sealed in a package, there is just no proof.